Urology / Andrology
Urology & Andrology Clinic, We provide excellent and affordable services to our patients. Dr.Prasanna has keen interest in treating Kidney Stones, Prostate Problems, Andrology Issues, Male Infertility, Recurrent UTIs & stricture urethra, etc. He has extensive experience in non-invasive minimal access procedures and has successfully treated patients including some very complicated situations.
Reasons why men should see a Urologist Prostate Cancer Screening
About one in nine men are diagnosed with prostate adenocarcinoma in their life time.
Though some prostate cancers unfold slowly and will need very little to no medical aid, others are very aggressive and may unfold terribly quickly.
Surgery will utterly cure adenocarcinoma through completely different procedures if the malady has not gone on the far side of the prostate.
When to seek help??
- Difficulty starting urination.
- Weak or interrupted flow of urine.
- Urinating often, especially at night.
- Trouble emptying the bladder completely.
- Blood in the urine or semen.
Kidney stones
When urine is too concentrated, minerals congregate and harden into deposits, which results in urinary stones. These conditions often lead to abdominal pain and blood in urine. Anyone can have urinary stones, however, once they get it chances of coming back again is always there.
When to seek help??
- Severe, sharp pain in the side and back, below the ribs.
- Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin.
- Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity.
- Pain or burning sensation while urinating.
Over active bladder
There are several ways in which you can deal with the problem of OAB, depending on the nature of the case. These lifestyle modifications may include dietary changes, such as limiting foods and drinks that may activate your bladder.
Urinary tract infection
An infection in your kidneys, ureters, bladder is called a urinary tract infection (UTI). Most infections have an effect on the bladder and urethra, which are unit components of the lower genitourinary apparatus.
More women than men have UTIs. Female urethras are shorter and the opening is closer to anus . This makes it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder and urethra.
If you’ve got a UTI, you’ll have a persistent urge to pee and a cloudy urine
What is Male Infertility?
Male infertility is any health issue in a man that lowers the chances of his female partner getting pregnant.
About 13 out of 100 couples can’t get pregnant with unprotected sex. There are many causes for infertility in men and women. In over a third of infertility cases, the problem is with the man. This is most often due to problems with sperm production or sperm delivery.
- Issues that can stop cells from growing into sperm.
- Issues that can keep the sperm from reaching the egg.
- Even the temperature of the scrotum may affect fertility.
- Sperm Disorders
- Varicoceles
- Retrograde Ejaculation
- Immunonologic Infertility
- Obstruction
- Hormones
- Medication
- Sexual dysfunction
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Testicular Pain or changes
- UROFLOWMETRY a test to measure urine flow rate and its pattern
Low Sperm Count: Causes, Signs, & Treatment
Oligospermia(low sperm count) on most occasions, associated with abnormalities in other sperm parameters like low sperm motility (Asthenospermia) and abnormal sperm morphology (Teratospermia). Low sperm count is not that uncommon a phenomenon in India with 15% of the total male population suffering from it. This is an asymptomatic medical condition and diagnosed only when a couple comes in for fertility evaluation.
What are the causes of low sperm count?
There are a number of reasons which contribute to the decrease in sperm count. These are:
The condition can be managed with hormonal medications, antioxidants, multivitamins or micronutrients as prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, like Varicocele repair, surgical treatment is preferred.
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Obesity
- Tobacco use
- Testicular trauma/injury
- Stress
- Varicocele
- Hydrocele
- Undescended testes
- Retrograde ejaculation
- Sexually transmitted infection
- Febrile illness and viral infections like Mumps
- Chronic illness like Diabetes Mellitus
- Previous radiation exposure for pelvic tumors/chemotherapy
Some lifestyle modifications also in betterment of the condition. These include:
- Regular exercise
- Avoiding tight undergarments
- Following healthy diet regimen
- Weight reduction
- Avoiding smoking, alcohol, gutka, habit-forming drugs
- Managing medical disorders like Diabetes Mellitus
Treatment route is decided after taking into consideration the patients condition. When these parameters are marginally low, simple treatment options like Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) are found to be helpful. In extremely low parameter count, advanced treatment option like ICSI is opted for. While IMSI and PICSI are used for selection of morphologically normal sperms during ICSI.
Sperm production and maturation in the testes i.e., Spermatogenesis takes about 72 days. Hence, two to three months of medication is required to see the improvement in semen analysis report. If there is no improvement even after administration of medication, ICSI treatment option is chosen to achieve pregnancy. In these cases, the success rate is around 50-60% when other parameters are normal.
If a male follows a healthy diet, exercises regularly, refrains from smoking, alcohol, gutka and habit-forming drugs along with avoiding use of tight undergarments and reducing weight, the whole problem can be avoided to begin with.