Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Pregnancy check-up & delivery
- Family planning services
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Adolescent health care problems
- Heavy Bleeding during periods
- *Irregular periods
- Pain during periods
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Pelvic pain
- Fibroids
- Infertility
- Prolapse
- Stress Urinary Incontinence
- Cancer screening for women
- Cancer uterus and ovaries
- Ovarian cysts
- Care of menopausal at women.
Gynecology Treatments
- Adolescent health care / PCOS
- Reproductive health care
- Cancer screening
- Menopause clinic
- Laparoscopic surgeries
- Hysteroscopic procedures
- Infertility evaluation
- Oncology
- Vaginal procedures
Gynecology in the shree sivaa hosital involves pregnant women following a safe and healthy procedure for delivering babies. While the Gynaecology Department involves in the female reproductive system, treating a wide range of conditions, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and chronic pain.
Shree sivaa Hospital offers comprehensive services for the reproductive health and gynecological needs of women. To provide a wide range of procedures like cesarean sections(C-Section), instrumental delivery during childbirth, hysterectomy, removing growths, such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids, and surgery to repair pelvic organ injuries.
To evaluate and manage recurrent miscarriages,screening, and management of preterm labor and abortion management of critically ill obstetric patients handling complicated pregnancy issues like maternal disorders like hypertension and diabetes.
Services Offered
- Pre-conceptional counselling.
- Routine Antenatal care.
- Parent craft classes designed for mothers and fathers in preparing for the task ahead, both physically and psychologically.
- Emergency & Critical care backup for high risk pregnancies like diabetes in pregnancy, Hypertension in pregnancy and other medical disorders in pregnancy.
- 24×7 availability of Gynaecologist and Anaesthetists for painless natural delivery.
- Advanced Labor Room facilities.
- Special care for sick and premature babies.
- High end Neonatal intensive care.
- Internationally accepted infection control protocols for patient ca
- Counselling of couple keen for conception.
Work up of couple.
Diagnostic hystero-laparoscopy. - Ovulation induction.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI).
PCOS Clinic
- One of the top symptoms of PCOS is irregular cycles or missed periods. Infertility is ultimately a consequence. An irregular cycle is a sign that you are not ovulating. An estimated 26.7% of women in the childbearing age group have PCOS.